InkHouse Celebrates Take Your Dog to Work Day

Jun 24, 2016 admin

Here at InkHouse we get a lot of great perks you usually see from companies much larger in size: unlimited vacation, free snacks, work from home Fridays (yes, every Friday!) and even sparkling water from the water fountain in the kitchen. But one perk that often gets overlooked is the ability to bring your dog to work. It’s not an everyday occurrence, but it’s more than welcome to have Fido (or in this case Piper, Freebie, Dusty, Tin, Lola, and Putter) hang out in the office for a day.

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We decided to take advantage of Take Your Dog to Work Day and invited all of the #DogsofInkHouse to come in for a special “Forced Office Fun” Yappy Hour. Now the occasion wasn’t all fun (okay, yes it was) - we also used it as a way to showcase our creative design chops and turned our pet pals into some beautiful social content posts to celebrate Take Your Dog to Work Day - including a few cinemagraphs, GIFs and puppy glamour shots you'll see throughout this post. Social content does best when you include an engaging piece of multimedia. Many studies cite social posts get as much as 2x the amount of engagement as a post without an image.


Whether it was a break from our computers to watch Freebie twirl in a circle or watching Dusty’s tail wag as he walks by to Tina’s office, Bring Your Dog to Work Day made everyone in the office smile. If you’re interested in joining a firm that loves to work hard and enjoy one another’s company, stay in the loop on all things InkHouse by following us on Twitter at @InkHousePR and send us your resume.




Topics: Graphic Design, InkHouse, InkHouse Design, Social Media, Video

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