Click here to view InkHouse's full Golden Carrot video series.
#GoCavs #OATW
When I moved to Boston, I expected that I would be one of many transplants to Beantown. However, what I quickly found was that not being from New England was a rarity and I got far more inquisitive looks than I imagined when I told people that I was from Ohio.
“What is there to do in Ohio?” “Isn’t Ohio just a bunch of farmland?” “Is your economy really based on LeBron James?” – these are all fairly common questions I receive, which motivated me to brag on the Buckeye State to my newfound Boston friends.In my Golden Carrot talk, I wanted to dispel some of the myths about my home state and highlight the pride that many Ohioans carry with them about where they’re from, regardless of where they ultimately end up.
Click here to view InkHouse's full Golden Carrot video series.
#GoCavs #OATW