Does Google have Bing envy?

Jun 10, 2010 admin

So today when I went to go do my usual Google search, I was greeted with an ugly background (ugly, IMHO anyway) on the Google homepage. Google gave me the option of changing the background but all I could think is "I want my old Google page back." Apparently I was not alone. Twitter and Google were trending with queries as to why Google would do this and how do you change it back. Like me, many people were thinking "WHY is Google copying Bing"? Is it possible that Google has such deep Bing envy that they would actually copy the search engine latecomer?

Anyway, Google listened and the old white, minimalist Google homepage to which we have all grown accustom is back. But the PR lesson remains: Copying your would-be competitors makes you look nervous and desperate -- and, worst of all, foolish.

Topics: Google

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