PR Newswire Takes a Stand Against Bad Content

Jul 09, 2014 admin

In our world, content is king. It’s our currency, our bread and butter. That’s why we’re constantly talking about the importance of good content. Perhaps a consequence of extreme availability and numerous channels for sharing, there is so much content out there that it isn’t always quality. In any case, individuals and businesses have endless means of sharing their point of view – tweets and other social posts, blogs, press releases, bylined articles and visual/video assets. It’s inevitable that some content will sneak into your Twitter feed or email and it’ll be a waste of your time to read, view or watch.

InkHouse Principal Beth Monaghan recently shared her opinion on bad content through sharing the news that Gigaom changed its policy on guests posts. She said, “The problem and the opportunity is that there are so many places to offer these great ideas that more people are getting into the game. Content draws eyeballs, which can create leads so we have lots of content in search of stardom through native advertising, guest posts, Op-Eds, Medium, LinkedIn Publishing and more.”

Like Gigaom, PR Newswire is also taking a stand against bad content. Last week, the newswire revealed its updated guidelines for which content will be reviewed prior to distribution. What are they looking for? Insightful analysis, original information, minimal and appropriate link usage and the table stakes (release length and format). And what can you do to make sure you comply with these guidelines? Please note – whether you use PR Newswire or another release distribution service, this advice reigns true for all. Follow these tips to ensure you’re part of the quality content movement.

When putting out a news release, consider what it is you’re really saying – is it newsworthy? Is it timely and/or something that will be beneficial for your customers, partners, employees and target media to take the time to read, react to and possibly share? If you start with that question, the rest will fall into place. A few tips to follow once you’ve deemed your announcement worthy of consumption:

  • Tell a story. Make it easy for all readers to put together what you’re saying – what the news is, why it’s important and what it means. The facts alone do not make a story.
  • Strategically place links in releases, i.e. to company homepages, product pages, recent reports and blog posts. Use SEO keywords to link to relevant content, but refrain from overkill.
  • Say what needs to be said, leave the fluff and jargon at home.
  • Follow AP style. Just please.
  • If you’re having trouble writing something compelling, refer to InkHouse VP John McElhenny’s seven tips for good writing.
  • Incorporate visual assets where you can. Move beyond text. Include infographics, images, charts or videos to support your news.

PR Newswire is standing up to bad content in an effort to uphold its responsibility to the more than 30,000 journalists, 10,000 websites and various newsrooms that it serves as a resource to. We applaud them for this move and will do our part by continuing to develop and support quality content to drive forth the effort against bad content.

Topics: Content, News, Press Releases, Public Relations, Journalism, PR

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